
“Christ is before all things, and in Him all things hold together. He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, so that He Himself will come to have first place in everything.”

Colossians 1:17-18

Preach the Word

Believers Chapel is committed to the Historical Evangelical Christian Faith, Sovereign Grace and Premillennialism. The Bible changes individuals. It is by the Bible that we are sanctified. It is through the fellowship that we have with the Lord Jesus Christ in the Scriptures that we are transformed. This is the promise of the Word of God.

Church History

In 1961, four men, Dr. S. Lewis Johnson a professor at Dallas Theological Seminary, Harold Mims, Howard Prier and James Deen, began meeting weekly to discuss the prospect of planting a new church in Dallas, Texas. The principal topic of discussion was theological doctrine, but convinced that they were of one accord, the men next considered the practices of the church. Their prayerful conclusions regarding issues such as the nature of church meetings, the means of financial support, membership and church governance would give shape to Believers Chapel.

Believers Chapel became an assembly of professing believers who, under the oversight of elders with deacons and gifted men, sought to glorify Jesus Christ through the preaching of the Word, weekly observance of the Lord’s Supper, and complete dependence upon the Lord for financial provision.

The church began meeting in the Spring of 1962 in the auditorium of Betty Hoffman School, a small private school in Dallas. The fledgling congregation consisted of roughly 25 individuals. In 1969 the Chapel moved to its current location on 6420 Churchill Way in order to meet the demands of a growing body. Dr. Johnson, widely esteemed as “a Biblical scholar and theologian of rare abilities,” served as the primary teacher for the Ministry of the Word at Believers Chapel for over 30 years.

In 1993 S. Lewis Johnson stepped down from his role at the Chapel, and Dan Duncan, a former student of Dr. Johnson, was called to fill the role as the primary teaching elder, a role he capably continues to the present. For over 50 years the church has proclaimed the good news of the Gospel throughout Dallas, the United States and the world. Spanning its entire history, Believers Chapel has seen the Lord meet its every need.


– Dr. S. Lewis Johnson Jr.


Anyone who confesses faith in Jesus Christ as God’s Son and his or her Savior, acknowledges the authority of the Bible, attends the meeting of the church regularly and submits to the governance and authority of the elders is welcome as a member of Believers Chapel. Members identify themselves by baptism (Matthew 28:19-20) and love of other Christians (John 13:35). You are invited to express your membership with us as the Lord leads you, and by partaking with us at the Lord’s Supper. “Is not the bread that we break a participation in the Body of Christ?” (1 Corinthians 10:16)

Elders, Deacons & Teachers

Believers Chapel is an assembly of professing believers, who under the oversight of elders, with deacons and gifted men, seek to glorify Jesus Christ through the preaching of the Word and the observance of the Lord’s Supper and baptism.


Mike Amis (Emeritus)
Sten Andersson
Mark Brunger
Dan Duncan
Larry Hairston (Emeritus)
Mark Newman
Chris Splawn


Harold Albertson
Steve Blodgett
Josh Casey
Tom Craft
Chris Carter
Mike Farrell
Doug Freiberger

Steve Guckenheimer
James Harrell
Greg Hatch
Warren Malhiot
Val Mansfield
Mike Menefee
Shane O’Brien

Jack Perry
Will Pherigo
Lee Radford
Ray Smuland
Chuck Terrell
Seth Thatcher


Ministry of the Word: Dan Duncan (Teaching Elder)

Adult Class: Mark Newman (Teaching Elder), Mike Black

Young Adult Class: Michael Thompson

Junior High/High School Class: Alan Angeles

Fourth/Fifth/Sixth Grade: Jennifer Eakins

Second/Third Grade: Nancy Andersson, Khody & Melanie Irani

Kindergarten/First Grade: Becky Hamid-khani, Tory Thatcher

Three Year/Older Toddler: Steve & Shari Blodgett, Chris & Casi Carter