BC Care
“I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another;
John 13:34
just as I have loved you, that you also love one another.”
Mercy Ministry
Showing God's Love
Providing meals for bereavement, surgery or childbirth.
Helps Ministry
Lending a Hand
Assisting others within our body in need of small repairs such as electrical, plumbing, lighting, carpentry, computer issues, etc.
Hospitality Ministry
Serving the Body
Serving food and refreshments at Believers Chapel functions.
Connections Ministry
Bringing People Together
Welcoming newcomers and serving coffee at the Welcome Center on Sunday mornings.
Encouragement Ministry
Lifting Spirits
Writing notes of encouragement and visiting those who are sick or grieving.
Children’s Ministry
Teaching and serving the youngest saints
Nursery & Footsteps of Faith:
If you wish to serve in the nursery or teach Footsteps, please contact Sarah Terrell at [email protected]
Sunday School:
If you wish to teach, please contact Sten Andersson, Elder, at [email protected]
Vacation Bible School:
If you wish to volunteer or teach, please contact Jennifer Eakins at [email protected]