BC Men

Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not in vain in the Lord.

1 Corinthians 15:58

Men’s Fellowship Dinner

Monthly dinner with fellowship and a lesson from the Scriptures

When: Second Monday of the month at 6:30 pm

Teachers: Jim Frazier, Mike Dixon, and guest speakers

Location: Gym foyer

“Devoted to God and each other in the apostle’s teaching and in fellowship.” (Acts 2:42)

Contact Info

Tom Craft

Young Men’s Book Study

Growing in Christ through Theology book studies, discussion and fellowship

When: Once per month on Sundays at 5:00 pm

Location: High school Sunday school room

Contact Info

Shane O'Brien, Deacon


One-on-One Mentorship in the Word

Mentoring others to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior through one-on-one Biblical study and fellowship.

Contact Info

Joe Terrell

Men’s Quarterly Lunches

Fellowship over a meal during the work week

When: Four times per year at 11:45 am

Location: Restaurant near the Chapel

Contact Info

Mike Amis, Elder (Emeritus)

Men’s Bible Study

Expositional teaching through God's Word

When: Tuesday mornings at 10:00 am

Teacher: Mark Casey

Location: Conference room

Contact Info

Mike Amis, Elder (Emeritus)

Upcoming Events

Men’s Bible Study

Mark Casey is teaching through the book of Nehemiah. All men are welcome.

Event Details:

Believers Chapel Media Ministry Conference Room

Men’s Fellowship Dinner

Christian fellowship over a meal and study of the Word.

Event Details:

Believers Chapel
Gym Foyer

Men’s Bible Study

Mark Casey is teaching through the book of Nehemiah. All men are welcome.

Event Details:

Believers Chapel Media Ministry Conference Room

Young Adult Christmas Party

Join us for food, fellowship and games at Mark and Kate’s house for the College, Young Adult, & Young Family Christmas Party.

Event Details:

Mark & Kate Anderson's Home

Men’s Bible Study

Mark Casey is teaching through the book of Nehemiah. All men are welcome.

Event Details:

Believers Chapel Media Ministry Conference Room

Men’s Bible Study

Mark Casey is teaching through the book of Nehemiah. All men are welcome.

Event Details:

Believers Chapel Media Ministry Conference Room