Ministry of the Word

September 6, 2020

Now therefore are we all here present before God to hear all things that are commanded thee of God

Acts 10:33

We hope that prayer and expectant quietness begin with the opening notes of the prelude.

Sunday Schedule

9:30 am
Adult Sunday School Class
Christ Explaining the Law: Truthfulness & Oaths
Matthew 5.33-37

Mark Newman
9:30 am
Peculiar People Class
The Hand of the Lord
1 Samuel 5

Geoff Brown
9:30 am
High School/Junior High School Class
The Book of Romans
Alan Angeles
9:30 am
Children's Sunday School Classes
John Baptizes Jesus
Matthew 3:13-17

11:00 am
Ministry of the Word
Dangerous But Good
Psalm 97:1-12

Dan Duncan


Phase Two of the Chapel’s Reopening

Peculiar People Grand Reopening – This Sunday, September 6th, our class for collegians, singles, young couples & young families will be meeting in the Gym Hall at 10 am sharp. We are studying the book of 1 Samuel. If you have never been a part of this class, consider this your invitation as we gather together to study the Word of God, encourage one another, and seek to live for the Lord. If you have any questions about the ministry, please contact Geoff Brown at 214-356-1311.

On Wednesday, September 9 at 7 p.m., Footsteps of Faith is planning to resume for 2020-2021. All children from kindergarten through sixth grade are welcome. The theme for this year is “Why Did Jesus Come?” The first class will be a “Welcome Back Game Night,” and pizza will be provided!

Current maximum attendance at the Ministry of the Word and Lord’s Supper services is now capped at 120* persons. Registrations will be open each Monday at 12:00 noon.
*Depending on distancing requirements in the auditorium, seating in the east parlor may be necessary.
CLICK HERE to register for attendance.

Upcoming Events