Ministry of the Word
February 13, 2022
Now therefore are we all here present before God to hear all things that are commanded thee of God
Acts 10:33
We hope that prayer and expectant quietness begin with the opening notes of the prelude.
Sunday Schedule
The Lord’s Supper will begin 10 minutes after the Ministry of the Word
We will be live-streaming the Sunday Ministry of the Word Service at 10:30 am.
You can watch or listen live, or view previously recorded sermons on YouTube.
Exciting News! Our new updated 2022 Picture Directory is available and located on the back table and coffee bar.
Save the Date: VBS June 20-24. The children will journey with Elijah in 2022.
Save the Date: VBS Teachers Workshop – Saturday, April 30 10:00-11:30
Nursery Worker Volunteers are needed to help out in the nursery. Please contact Sarah Terrell.