Ministry of the Word

November 20, 2022

Now therefore are we all here present before God to hear all things that are commanded thee of God

Acts 10:33

We hope that prayer and expectant quietness begin with the opening notes of the prelude.

Sunday Schedule

9:30 am
Adult Sunday School
Proverbs 25:26-26:8
Mike Black
9:30 am
"Peculiar People Class"
"The Sinful, Senseless Census"
2 Samuel 24
Geoff Brown
9:30 am
Junior High & High School Class
Alan Angeles
9:30 am
Children's Sunday School
1 Samuel 8-12
10:30 am
Ministry of the Word
"Man Or God?"
John 10:32-42
Dan Duncan
11:45 am
The Lord’s Supper
Open Meeting


The Lord’s Supper will begin 10 minutes after the Ministry of the Word

We will be live-streaming the Sunday Ministry of the Word Service at 10:30 am.

You can watch or listen live, or view previously recorded sermons on YouTube.

Christmas Dinner/Program
SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, December 10, 2022
Church-wide Chapel Christmas Celebration:
Christmas Carol Service at 5:30 pm followed by Dinner.
The Chapel will provide entrees and some sides. Sign up to reserve your place for dinner and to bring your choice of salad, side dish, vegetable or dessert. Clipboards with sign up sheets are at the table in the foyer or at the coffee bar.

Upcoming opportunity—a time for Sending Notes of Encouragement is set for Tuesday, December 6 at 9:00 am (right before Ladies Bible Study) in the Chapel Hall.  We will be sending Christmas Cards!

Upcoming Events