Ministry of the Word

October 29, 2023

Now therefore are we all here present before God to hear all things that are commanded thee of God

Acts 10:33

We hope that prayer and expectant quietness begin with the opening notes of the prelude.

Sunday Schedule

9:30 am
Adult Sunday School
The Rise of David: A King without a Kingdom"
1 Samuel 16:2-7
Mike Black
9:30 am
Young Adult Class
"Holy Fire"
Acts 2:1-13
Michael Thompson
9:30 am
High School and Junior High Class
To attend Adult Sunday School
9:30 am
Children's Sunday School
Luke 8:22-39
10:30 am
Ministry of the Word
"Provider, Leader and Protector"
Psalm 23
Alan Angeles
11:40 am
The Lord's Supper | Baptisms | Reception
Open Meeting


The Lord’s Supper will begin 10 minutes after the Ministry of the Word

We will be live-streaming the Sunday Ministry of the Word Service at 10:30 am.

You can watch or listen live, or view previously recorded sermons on YouTube.

There will be baptisms after the Lord’s Supper this week, October 29th, with a reception in the Chapel Hall to follow.

Reminder: Next Sunday, November 5th please remember to move your clock one hour back to end Daylight Savings time.

The Ladies Thanksgiving Dinner is scheduled for Tuesday, November 7 at 6:30 pm. Please sign up on the sign-up sheet located on the back table and the coffee bar.

Upcoming opportunity—a time for Sending Notes of Encouragement is set for Thursday, November 30 at 9:00 am in the Chapel Hall. We will be sending Christmas Cards!



Upcoming Events