Ministry of the Word
August 25, 2024
Now therefore are we all here present before God to hear all things that are commanded thee of God
Acts 10:33
We hope that prayer and expectant quietness begin with the opening notes of the prelude.
Sunday Schedule
The Lord’s Supper will begin 10 minutes after the Ministry of the Word
We will be live-streaming the Sunday Ministry of the Word Service at 10:30 am.
You can watch or listen live, or view previously recorded sermons on YouTube.
Coming soon-Sunday, September 8 is the date for our Fall Church-wide Luncheon. Plan to bring a side dish or dessert, and sign up on one of the clipboards available at the back table or at the Coffee Bar. The Chapel will provide fried chicken, mashed potatoes, gravy and green beans.
The Adult Wednesday Bible Class will be resuming on Wednesday, September 4th. Chris Splawn will be going through I Thessalonians.
The Women’s Tuesday morning Bible class will resume at 10:00 am on September 10. Wilford Webb will continue his series on The Sermon on the Mount. The Tuesday prayer meetings will also resume before class at 9:15.
The Men’s Tuesday morning Bible class will resume at 10:00 a.m. on September 10. Mark Casey will continue his series in Nehemiah.
If you requested a Vacation Bible School DVD, you may pick it up from the credenza in the main office area. If you did not request one, you may do so by filling out a request form which is available there and place it in the little red box.