Ministry of the Word

March 9, 2025

Now therefore are we all here present before God to hear all things that are commanded thee of God

Acts 10:33

We hope that prayer and expectant quietness begin with the opening notes of the prelude.

Sunday Schedule

9:30 am
Adult Sunday School
"The Rise of David, a King without a Kingdom"
1 Samuel 23:14-19
Mike Black
9:30 am
Young Adult Class
"Honor the Eternal King"
1 Timothy 1:12-20
Michael Thompson
9:30 am
High School and Junior High
Alan Angeles
9:30 am
Children's Sunday School
Exodus 15:22-17:7
10:30 am
Ministry of the Word
"A Greater Glory"
2 Corinthians 3:7-11
Dan Duncan
11:40 am
The Lord's Supper
Open Meeting


The Lord’s Supper will begin 10 minutes after the Ministry of the Word

We will be live-streaming the Sunday Ministry of the Word Service at 10:30 am.

You can watch or listen live, or view previously recorded sermons on YouTube.

Daylight Savings–starts Sunday, March 9. Clocks spring forward one hour.

2025 VBS Registration Open
June 9-13 from 9:00 am to 12 pm

VBS Volunteers – mark your calendars for our annual VBS workshop on Saturday, May 10 from 9am-11am, here at the Chapel!

Invitation to Senior Adults! You are invited to a luncheon coming up on Friday, March 14th at noon in the Chapel gym. Please call the Chapel Office at 972-239-5371 or sign up on the back table or coffee bar. Come early at 11:00 am for a Hymn-Sing in the Auditorium.

The Continuing Prayer Requests green sheet has been updated and is located on the hall and office tables.




Upcoming Events